Deep Listening Festival & Art Exhibition, Margaret River. 6 – 7 April 2018

I have been invited to speak and exhibit a specifically themed painting for the Deep Listening Festival in Margaret River and interpret the theme of ‘Families on the Edge’ (mental health, homelessness and family violence) and ‘Land on the Edge’ (environment, indigenous people and sustainability), along with 5 other artists.

It will be a weekend of art, music, storytelling, spirituality and interactive workshops which will explore together what it means to be in a community of acceptance and understanding. Come and listen to stories that inspire and build resilience.

Guest presenters include – Sabrina Hahn (ABC Radio announcer for the past 25 years) and Scott Darlow (Aboriginal singer), as well as many other great local artists and speakers exploring the themes of taking time to listen and engage with people from the edges of society.

I’d love to see you there.
Creative regards

Deep Listening Festival
Margaret River Uniting Church,
60 Tingle Avenue Margaret River